Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Transfer scheduled for Day 5

Well, we made it past day 3!!! At last check yesterday we had 10 embryos still growing. Much to my horror, I found out this afternoon that I will not get any further updates on our beloved embryos until I show up on Friday for the transfer. We could show up and there could be one or ten or any number in between. That is terrifying to me. I hate the unknown. It was hard enough the first few days, having to wait until 3:30 for my updates. Now I have to wait 2 days! Ugh. I guess it's good practice for the dreaded 2 week wait.

Yesterday, I did acupuncture for the first time in months to ready my body for the transfer. It went very well. I felt relaxed and happy afterwards. I will try to schedule another acupuncture session for later on the day of the transfer. My acupuncturist said she'd do what she could to shift things around and squeeze me in.

In other news, my PIO shots have made my lower back/upper booty incredibly sore. I try to massage the site right after the injection and use a heating pad, but the truth is that it's just sore. 

My irritability is at an excruciating level. Especially for those living with me. And I've been falling asleep really early. Usually by 8:30 or 9:00. 

But otherwise, I'm still putting one foot in front of the other. That's all I can really do now. I'm hoping these next couple of days fly by! Actually, I'm really hoping these next couple of weeks fly by!

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