Tuesday, January 14, 2014


Here is what is going on today, according to NYU Fertility Center:

"Implantation Continues"

Here is what is going on today, according to me:

- Wake up at 6am, lay in bed deciding whether or not to POAS for half an hour

- get up, POAS, squint, search and beg for a second line that never comes

- go back to bed. Google "4dp5dt, bfn, positive later" and several other versions of that

- feel much better after finding data suggesting what I already know. Too early to test

- grab and smoosh breasts to see if they are sore, which they are, probably from checking them to see if they are sore

- lay in bed wondering if the mild cramping is from digestion or early pregnancy

- get up, make breakfast, take a prenatal, a DHA, a Vitamin D, a baby aspirin and 2 Estrace

- go back to the bathroom. Fish the hpt out of the trash. Check for a line. Still no line. Not even a squinter. Definitely a BFN

- eat yogurt with granola while checking the Inspire website to see how my fellow infertiles are doing

- weigh myself. Notice I'm a few pounds lighter, make a mental note to google that  later to see if it's an early pregnancy symptom.

- take a shower, check body obsessively for any sign of pregnancy. 

- whine about major lower back pain. Wonder if that's also a symptom. (It is!)

- now dry hair. Text sister about bfn. She's more nervous than I am. Send her said data about being too early.

- get in car. Drive to acupuncture to get babies to implant.

- during acupuncture able to focus on something other than potential pregnancy for approximately 3 Mins. great success.

- have lunch with J and mom. Talk about how I'm feeling. Wonder whether I am pregnant.

- get home and start blogging about how much I am thinking about whether or not I'm pregnant.

- remember to google weight loss in early pregnancy. (Also a good sign!)

- mayyyybe start folding the clean laundry that's been piled up for a week?!

- spend the rest of the day trying not to think about the only thing I'm able to think about

- watch Law & Order SVU while I pass out from the progesterone.

- wake up on 5dp5dt and start all over again. Only tomorrow, I won't start by POAS!!

1 comment:

  1. Came across your blog. LOVE IT! This is exactly me right now.
