Monday, January 27, 2014

So scared...warning TMI

I was sitting on the couch talking to J, watching Little T do a puzzle, when I felt a small gush in my underwear. I figured it was just the lovely discharge of pregnancy. I was wrong. Very wrong. It was blood. I went to pee a few minutes later and saw the bright blood in my underwear. Then a few small clots in the toilet. Instant terror. I called the emergency nurse line and got an operator who said they would call back within 30 mins.

20 excrutiating minutes later, the phone rang. My usual nurse, Ann had called back. She told me that I was the third call like this she's had today. She told me how very common it is in early pregnancy, especially with IVF. Something about how they implant the embryos... She told me all my symptoms sounded normal and that I should just watch it. Make sure I didn't soak through a heavy pad in an hour. If I did, it was off to the ER. But if not, I'm supposed to watch myself, drink loads of fluids and call her with an update tomorrow. I told her I was feeling dizzy and nauseous, but she thinks that's because I'm so upset. 

I'm doing my very best to believe my nurse, who didn't seem worried at all and hope that all is well. Please pray for us, if you do that sort of thing. I'm scared to death. I really want this pregnancy. 

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