Saturday, January 4, 2014

First PIO shot

Ahhhhh I'm kind of freaking out. We're about to do the first Progesterone in Oil injection. This is an intramuscular injection with a huge needle that goes in your upper buttocks (which is really almost your lower back, right where your love handles are). J just sterilized me. Annnnd....

Ooh. Quick pinch and then nothing. J says he's gonna throw up. I reminded him that first he needs to massage the area and then he's free to go throw up.   Pretty sure that was much worse for him than for me. Glad it's over...only 10 or so more weeks of daily PIO shots left... if we're successful, which we plan to be. ;)

Dying to find out how many eggs we have tomorrow. It's gonna be such a long week waiting for the call everyday to hear how our little embryos are doing. I can't wait to get started. Wish us luck!

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