Friday, January 24, 2014

4 weeks 5 days pregnant

So I forgot to report my results from my second beta. It was great. 1585, which is more than doubled. I'm very pleased with this. My progesterone was 15.5 which she told me was good. And they have scheduled my ultrasound for Feb 10th. That's when we'll find out how many are in there. I can not wait!!

In more painful news, they also told me I have to continue with my PIO shots and Estrace until 10 weeks. Ugggh. My backside is covered in red dots and bruising from the shots and I'm so sore. But if this is what it takes, that's what we do!

As far as symptoms, I don't really have too many yet. It's still so early. Just fatigue, which is getting worse everyday. Very sore back, which could be from my tilted uterus. And some mild nausea if I go too long without eating. 

I've been losing weight so I started adding some light snacks to my schedule.

This weekend I'm excited to be heading out for a girl's weekend up in NH. I'm sad that I won't be able to ski or ride, but I'm planning to do some snowshoeing, which will be nice. Get some fresh (frickin cold) air! 

Have a nice weekend!

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