Sunday, January 5, 2014

Retrieval day

It's been a long morning already. I had a terrible time trying to sleep. I'm not sure if I was nervous about this morning or reacting to my first PIO shot last night, or more likely, a combination of the two.

We dropped Little T off at my MIL's house and went to Lexington for the procedure. We were a little too early, which meant more waiting than we would have liked, but better early than late I say. We arrived around 8:10 and we sat and joked and got T checked in. At 9:00, Jamie went and made his donation. Then at about 9:35 they walked T into the back room and we were asked to sit in the waiting room. 

So, that's where I am now. Thank God for iPhones. We are sitting around listening to the other couples around us who are also waiting and reading our phones.

I'm typing this, which is helping to pass the time. The waiting is always the worst part for me. I just can't wait to hear that T is doing great and we can go see her. I am also dying to hear that magical number, whatever it is, that will determine how we proceed. God, I hope it's a lot! J and I have taken guesses. He says 10. I say 15 (wishful thinking?). One way or another, we'll know soon. I'll be sure to update when we do. Time to go do some more waiting...

She's awake!!! We got 15!!!!! FIFTEEEEEEEN!!! So excited! Ok, gotta go take care of the patient!!

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