Friday, January 10, 2014

Transfer day!

Today is the big day.

My mother met us at the clinic, so that she could take Little T on a short adventure while we did our thing. 

I'm here now. I read all the forms, while drinking the requisite 3 cups of water. They just brought me warm blankets to wear and a glorious Valium that I took happily. Loooove the Valium. 

Now I'm sitting in the waiting area, warm and cozy, a little loopy, sipping my water waiting for our time to go in and find out about how many embryos we have and how they are doing. 

I have to take a moment here to say how extraordinary the nursing staff is here. They are warm and kind and genuinely happy and hopeful for you. They remembered us from last week and made sure to ask about how my sister was doing. They expressed their hope for our success and even gave me a little hug. It just feels really nice to be so excited and have them reflect that excitement and make you feel like your success matters to them.

Ok, I'll pick this back up once the transfer is over. Eeeeee so excited!! 


 We just finished our transfer of two "beautiful blasts" one was AB and one was BB and one of the two was hatching, which is a really good sign! 

The whole procedure didnt take more than 20 minutes. We went in with a very full bladder. They checked my wrist band several times to make sure it was me. Then they checked my bladder via ultrasound. Ugh. Not fun having someone push on your bladder when it's full. Then they brought us a picture of the embryos and ran them through the catheter into my uterus. They called the procedure perfect and everybody seemed really impressed with the quality and state of the blasts, which fills me with hope that at least one and maybe two will implant. 

We asked how many were leftover. They only freeze the very best, so they told us that we have 4 in the running to be frozen. They will watch then for another day and then freeze the ones that are eligible. We asked if someone would call us, but apparently we have to wait for a letter in the mail about a week from now. Ugh. More waiting. But we're hopeful that we'll have some in the freezer!

Now I'm off to acupuncture to give these babies the best chance to stick!

I'm sure I'll be updating throughout the week to let you know how I'm doing during this terrible wait. My beta is scheduled for 1/20. So, we'll know for sure then! Any and all prayers, hopeful vibes and warm thoughts are so appreciated. 

Huge thanks to my amazing family, T in particular, who are gotten us this far. I can't wait to find out that it was all worth it!  

Oh and as of this minute, I'm am PUPO (Pregnant Until Proven Otherwise)! Hooray!!

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