Friday, January 17, 2014

7dp5dt it's slowly sinking in

Im very slowly coming to terms with the wonderful fact that we're pregnant. I spent a lot of today googling pictures of pregnancy tests at 12dpo (which is today for me) and found that my HCG seems to be higher than most. (My line is darker than most). This makes me think that we have a big possibility of twins. Which excites AND terrifies me. 

My emotions are all over the place so far, which is consistent with my test results! ;) I'm oscillating between relief, happiness, terror, elation, fear, anxiety, and shock. Which, I guess is to be expected. I'm mostly just feeling happy, but J is in full action mode. He's talking about moving and buying vans, and strollers and cribs and it's really freaking me out, but I get where he's coming from. I just hope he slows it down some! I still haven't even had my blood test! One thing at a time!

Anyway, physically, I'm feeling well. I've been feeling really tired and had a few waves of the mildest nausea. Wouldn't it be wonderful if that were the worst of it?! Amazing...but unlikely! I can feel things happening down in my uterus, hard to explain but general "under construction" feelings.

Well, better get some work done while Little T is napping...or more likely google some more stuff I shouldn't, like pregnant twin bellies and other terrifying things!

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