Friday, January 17, 2014

From PUPO to Pregnant!

I was on my way home from work on Wednesday when I decided I was going to test again. I just knew I wouldn't be able to wait, not even for First Morning Urine. J had bought me some more sensitive tests and I was itching to give them a try.

Actually, I was sweating, and shaking, and my heart was beating a million miles a minute...for my whole 45 minute commute. I was gearing up. 

So I tore into the house, let the dog out, very impatiently waited for him to finish his business, threw my purse and bag and child in various places on the way to the bathroom. Ran back, put Mickey Mouse on to distract the child for the 3 minutes I would need.

Peed. Dipped. Waited. Stared at that test for a full minute. The control line came up right away but nothing else! So I covered it and just resigned myself to the fact that it would probably be negative. At the three minute mark (almost 5 hours later) I lifted the cover and saw the faintest of lines right there where it was always blank. I was pregnant. The line was faint but unmistakeable.

I snapped a picture to my sister and called my husband. He was in shock but happy. I'd say mostly relieved actually. 

When T got her picture she didn't see the second line and scolded me for testing too early. I had to tell her...zoom in!! Then she saw it and was thrilled for us too, but not before asking if it could be a false positive. I told her no and she was so happy!

I've since told my mother and siblings and Jamie's parents and now all of you! It makes me really nervous that people know this early, but with all the people who helped out with this cycle, there was really no way of avoiding it. If you know me in real life, which almost all of you do, please make sure to keep this to yourselves. We have a long way to go and I don't plan to tell people outside of my close friends and family until later. 

I now have the tough job of waiting until Monday for my beta numbers and then waiting for an ultrasound to see if we will have one or two little miracles. Yikes!!

I just want to take a second to say thanks to all of you who have gotten us here. It's been such a long road and so many of you sent texts and emails and phone calls and hugs and words of support. I can't tell you how much it helped. How loved we feel. And I hope our bab(ies) will one day feel all that love and know how much they were all of us!

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