Sunday, January 12, 2014


Today I am 2 days post 5 day transfer (or in infertility site jargon, 2dp5dt). I've felt a few little twinges in my uterus, but nothing too telling. All my other symptoms are the same as before my transfer. They can all be attributed to the progesterone, the Estrace, or both.

According to a timeline I found online, this is what is happening today:

The blastocyst continues to hatch out of its shell and begins to attach itself to the uterus

I've been visualizing the little embryos hatching and attaching all weekend. 

Been thinking of nicknames for the little embryos too. I'm leaning toward Thing 1 and Thing 2. J calls them Bert and Ernie. My mother calls them Itchy and Scratchy. Any other suggestions?

I was lucky enough to have J's aunt, a Nurse, administer my PIO shots the last few nights while he was out. No disrespect to J, but it was so much better coming from a professional! No soreness at all! Tonight, I am in J's hands, so wish me luck! ;)

Nothing else to report. I've been taking it easy. Googling and counting the days till I can test.

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