Sunday, January 19, 2014

9dp5dt - frosties!

I've been checking the mail obsessively all week to see if we got our news about how many embryos were frozen, if any. Still nothing in the mailbox. But today, over a week after our transfer, I decided to call and ask them. I'm very happy to report that we have 3 frosties waiting for us, should we need them.

Other than that, there's nothing much to report. I've been tired all day, waking up early to pee (mostly on pregnancy tests), sore breasts, sporadic mild nausea, but otherwise, no big changes. My lines on the pregnancy tests I keep taking (every morning since Wednesday) keep getting darker, which is solidifying the reality of it for me. I just hope that tomorrow's blood test will give us a little more information. 

There are two factors to consider. 

HCG levels: The higher the number tomorrow, the more likely it's twins.

And Doubling times: They will take my blood tomorrow and then take it again two days later to see how fast the numbers are doubling. The faster the doubling time, the better the chance that it's twins. 

So, more waiting!! You'd think I'd start getting good at this, but nope.

Ok, halftime is over. Go Pats!!

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