Monday, January 20, 2014

Beta day!!

Happy Martin Luther King day! Or Happy beta day!!!

I woke up early this morning and high tailed it to the doc's office for my blood draw at 7:30 am. Then I (im)patiently waited the 5+ hours for a result. :(

Ok, so to give you an idea. On 15dpo (today for me), the average beta hCG level for a single pregnancy is around 139. For twins, it's 263. My nurses said they were hoping for over 100. So, what was my number, you ask?


Whaaaaat?! How many are in there?! We only transferred two, so it's probably just two, but there is always the chance of one embryo splitting (identicals), so technically there could be up to four. Obviously, that would be incredibly rare. We're thinking it's twins, but that I just happen to have high numbers, which some women do. 

I'll go back on Wednesday for another blood draw to be sure that our numbers are doubling nicely. I really can't wait until we get an ultrasound to find out how many babies we have in there! Eek! So happy!

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