Monday, January 27, 2014

5 weeks 1 day

Wow. The fatigue has set in. I had such an awesome weekend with my girlfriends up in NH. We laughed, danced, snowshoed, ate, shopped and just had the best time. I definitely stayed up too late both nights, and it was worth it, but wow! I am tired today!

I've spent the day cleaning up after J and Little T's weekend of fun and getting my usual work and chores done. I've been puzzling and playing with Little T too. And took her to her well-child checkup. She is a trooper! Didn't even flinch with the flu shot. And she's as healthy as can be, which I'm always grateful for.

But now that the day is winding down, I'm finding that I'm just exhausted. I could probably fall asleep standing up. And I have had a few waves of nausea over the last few days. And my first aversion and craving. Bacon made me incredibly nauseous, while carrots were the tastiest things ever (very unusual for me). 

Time is ever so slowly ticking by on our journey toward the first ultrasound. Two weeks from today. It can't come soon enough!

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