Monday, January 13, 2014

3dp5dt - update

I'm losing my will power already. I have done the math. I have exactly 7 dollar store pregnancy tests in my bathroom closet. That means I could start tomorrow and have one for each day leading up to the beta test.

Tomorrow is insanely early and would almost definitely be negative, but of course Dr. Google has shown me many women who have had their BFPs (Big Fat Positives) at 4dp5dt, which means that OF COURSE I should start testing tomorrow...right?! NO!  That is so early and would just be disappointing...unless I remind myself that it will probably be negative. Then I won't be crushed when it's negative. But if I KNOW it's going to be negative, I shouldn't do it!  But it COULD be positive.

Oh God. I'm going crazy!! And it's only been 3 days!!

Also, to those wondering how I'm feeling, my lower back really hurts, I'm a little crampy, slightly bloated with a heavy feeling in my uterus, and I'm completely unable to concentrate on any other thing than how this will end. Ugh.

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