Monday, December 23, 2013

Today is Cycle Day 1

I went in for bloodwork this morning and I'm told they were hoping for an estradiol level of under 50. I crushed it. Coming in at a terrific 27.9. This means that I'm sufficiently suppressed and ready to start my Estrace (1mg twice daily), dial down my Lupron to 10 units, and start taking the baby aspirin J bought for me. They consider this to be my CD1.

Next step will be when T and I each go in on Friday. Her for bloodwork and ultrasound to check her levels and her follicles (I'm hoping for lots!). I just go for bloodwork to check my estradiol again. 

My last birth control pill was on Thursday. Within 2 days my weight had gone back down, the bloating was gone and my breasts felt like mine again. Hooray! On the bummer side, I've had bad low back pain since, just like I get when I'm PMSing and I spotted for a couple days before a full flow started on Sunday. I'm told this is very normal.

I can't say I'm looking forward to the side effects from the Estrace, but hopefully it won't be too bad. I'll make sure to update about that.  

Meantime, have a wonderful and Merry Christmas! I know I will! We have a lot to be happy about! 

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