Saturday, December 28, 2013

More side effects

Since starting the Estrace I've had some trouble sleeping which makes me tired during the day. My mood swings have been particularly nasty as well. I find that the smallest thing can set me off. Like for example, when my aunt repeatedly invites me to play Candy Crush, causing my phone to buzz over and over, making me want to go to her house, unplug her internet and ask her never to contact me again. That kind of irritability has been a staple the last week or so, so it could be the lupron, the estrace or even the pill when I was taking it, who knows! I just wish it would stop.

And when you're dealing with a toddler who is trying to kick the pacifier habit and potty training at the same time, it's not good to be so short on patience. Hopefully, I'll be back to normal soon enough!

As for T, she has reported a headache this morning and feeling slightly as though she's hungover despite not drinking any alcohol. I told her to drink more water and let me know if it gets worse. When I was cycling I got very bad headaches and they prescribed Fioricet which helped immensely. 

Hopefully her headaches will improve and not get worse. I'll keep you posted.

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