Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Christmas gifts purchased. Meds ordered. Bank account drained.

Well, I finally finished all of my Christmas shopping today, just in time for the infertility pharmacy to call and collect the rest of our money.

My meds will be delivered on Thursday. It will be like my very own Christmas. Tearing open the box to see all the colorful pills, shiny syringes, cute little gauze pads and big, fancy sharps containers. Eeeee! I can hardly contain my excitement. Santa's little elves have nothing on Big Pharma!

Not sure T will feel the same way about her package, but hopefully it wont scare her too much.

Also talked to one of the lawyers who works for my uncle. She is getting our paperwork taken care of and we will have another family friend look over it as T's lawyer and then we'll be done with the legality of it all.

The other thing I didn't mention yesterday is that the doctor scared the heck out of me about putting back two embryos. All of these statistics that are designed to scare us out of considering having twins. I know that multiple pregnancies are more risky, but I think (or I thought) it was worth the risk. After a day and a half of research and thinking about it, I'm still leaning toward transferring two embryos. Most twins are born just fine. As you can probably tell, I'm still a little bit conflicted. I'd love to have twins. I want twins, but not at the risk of losing them. I have some time to think about it, so I'll keep going back and forth I'm sure. 

Coordinating this cycle is starting to feel like a part-time job. I'm putting so many hours into talking to pharmacists, family members, lawyers, nurses, doctors, and assistants, I'm hoping this all slows down soon. Because I have to get back to focusing on being Mommy to my little T, and being a wife to my husband, and committing to my real job, and cleaning the house, and doing the laundry, oh and also trying to fit some exercise in there somewhere.

It's going to be a hectic month, but hopefully we'll never have to do it again!

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