Monday, December 30, 2013

A snowstorm?! Really?!

Argggh the waiting. Well, tomorrow we'll know how T's ovaries are reacting to the meds. With any luck it's all going smoothly.

She reports feeling very bloated, full and tired. With some stomach aches. I'm hoping this means that her follicles are growing, but I also hope they're not growing too fast!  I guess that is what we'll find out tomorrow. It makes me feel so guilty thinking of her being so uncomfortable for us. She knows it's all for a good cause, and my hope is that it will be a successful one!

T is supposed to fly home on Friday in order to be here for whenever the retrieval will be this weekend or next week. Found out today that there's a snowstorm that is supposed to arrive on Friday as well. All I can say is, Mother Nature, please be kind.

I'll follow up with our results from tomorrow's bloodwork (for both of us) and ultrasound (for T).

Until then...thinking happy egg thoughts.

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