Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Happy New Year's Eve!!

It is New Year's Eve, so I've absolutely been reflecting on the last year that we've been through. It was one year ago this week that I first called to make an appointment with the RE. What a roller coaster of a year!

January - DOR diagnosis

February - IUI Fail.

April- Approved for IVF

May - IVF converted to IUI, poor response

July-Sept - IVF #2. Made it to transfer (day 2) but still FAIL.

October - chose T as our donor. got started.

December - Started DE cycle.

There have been a lot of tough moments this year for us concerning infertility, but in the rest of our lives, we have had a lot to be excited about. We've made some truly amazing friends this year. Some we could really imagine being lifelong friends with. Caring, supportive, silly and incredibly fun friends. We've seen some of our old friends blossom and find their way in what they love to do. Our extended family has enjoyed good health and in some cases some really exciting success.

And now, one full year into our RE-led journey (5 years since we first decided to start a family), we will be doing something that finally has a great chance of letting us bring home the sibling(s) we have wanted for Little T. So, yeah, it's been a tough year, maybe the toughest. But looking back I think maybe it was for a reason. We now know how lucky we are to have the family and friends who have all put so much into this for us. Wanting, wishing, hoping and outright helping us to fulfill our dream of adding to our family. It's a year that has taught me personally how blessed I am and I'm thankful for that.

Tonight is New Year's Eve and I am really looking forward to spending it celebrating with our beloved new friends, reflecting on how we made it through 2013 and focusing on all the hope we have for 2014.

Our results are reflective of that hope.

My Estradiol is up to 204, double what we needed it to be. I will continue taking 10 units of Lupron, 1 baby aspirin, and tomorrow I will up my dose to two Estrace three times a day.  I go back on Thursday morning for my bloodwork and ultrasound to check my lining.

T had an Estradiol level of 533. She currently has 10 follicles at 10 mm or greater and 8 follicles at less than 10 mm. She will also go back on Thursday morning to see what has changed. She will continue her Gonal f and Menopur at the same dose (150 and 75 respectively).

Oh and that Nor'Easter for Thursday?  Yeah, I see you. I'm ignoring you.  It's a new year. New reason to hope that nothing will get in our way.

Happy New Year, everyone!

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