Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Time to panic

Wow. Ok, so there's a lot going on here. I'll try to get it all down.

First of all, T came home last week for her testing and everything went great. The counselor seems to think that our situation is going to work out well for everyone. And that's even after hearing our sarcastic banter. Phew. Also, our doctor thinks she will produce lots of viable eggs which should give us an excellent chance and some leftovers to try again if it doesn't work the first time. Hooray for leftovers!

They also told us on Wednesday that we need to get a legal the next 2 weeks!! This is another $1250 out of our pockets. With Christmas coming up, a dog who is very ill, a daughter who is growing like a weed and countless other expenditures not to mention all the infertility money, things are getting tight and it's been really stressful for J and me. So, with that in mind, I called my uncle, a lawyer, for help. He said he knows someone who went through this and will ask them and get back to me. I really wish they had told us this before. Like I said, we're on a clock, because from the time I start the birth control pills we have 2 weeks to have an agreement done. Eek. I'm still waiting to hear back from him whether he can help or whether we'll have to see someone who specializes in this ($1250). I'm really hoping he can help and hopefully at a nice family discount (read: free). I am his God daughter after all.

Ok, so then T got her cycle day 1 (cd1) on Saturday, which started the clock for her. I waited patiently for my (late) cd1 and finally it showed up this morning. I've never been so happy to see my Aunt Flow (or AF in infertility site jargon). It really is surreal when for the last five years off and on (whenever I wasn't pregnant) I was dreading that tell tale sign that another month was headed down the drain, literally. Well, not this time. I basically did a happy dance. Let's get this show on the road. So, I called the nursing team who called back and told me I will have to go in for labs on Friday (insurance requires it) and then I'll be able to start my birth control pills on Friday. Something I haven't seen since I was in high school. 

Ok, as I was typing this there have been more changes. Turns out that my sister's relocation to another state during our cycle may mean we have to wait another month. I am devastated at the idea of having to wait another month. I'm currently waiting to get the exact dates from my sister so that I can bring them to my nursing team so that we can decide whether we can make it work this month. Oh and I just got the call from my husband that my dog has to go back to the vet to see if he will be able to live a little longer or if we'll have to put him down. Damn. This really sucks. Well, I should have more news today or tomorrow. Hopefully it'll be good news. All these setbacks are just so hard. I just want so much for this all to work out. I can feel the air just being sucked out of me. I hope I'll be able to remain positive and just keep moving forward, but man, I just wish something would go right.

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