Saturday, December 28, 2013

T's first injection

So yesterday T and I each had appointments.

Mine was for bloodwork to check my estradiol level. They wanted it to be above 50 and mine was at 94.4 so I will stay with 10 units of lupron and double my doses of estrace as planned (2 mgs twice daily), plus continue one baby aspirin a day. I go back on Tuesday to check bloodwork again. Our nurse says we're looking for around 100 on Tuesday. Considering I'm already at 94.4 and I'm doubling my dose, I hope that will be easy!

As for T, she had her baseline bloodwork (which was all just what it should be, she's sufficiently suppressed), and her ultrasound, which showed 30 follicles!!! If this is any indication of the amount of eggs she could produce then I am beyond thrilled. The real test will be to see what her follicles look like on Tuesday, to see what her response is to the meds and adjust the dosage accordingly.

Until Tuesday, T will be mixing 150 Gonal f, with 1/2 cc of water, with 75 units of menopur so that she only has to do one injection a night. She and I walked through it together last night, with her boyfriend, S, and they did a great job. It was a big success! So tonight she'll be doing it without my guidance. This control freak is a little nervous about not being privy to the shot, but I have total confidence in T and S to get it done properly. 

Now all I have to do is wait until Tuesday, New Year's Eve. Ugh. 3 more days! 

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