Saturday, October 26, 2013

The waiting game

I haven't posted in awhile but that's just because we're in the waiting part of this process. One thing with infertility is there is a LOT of waiting. In the case of donor eggs waiting for your donor's testing, waiting for results, waiting for your counseling appointment, waiting for the doctor's approval, waiting to get your calendar for treatment, waiting for the cycle to begin, waiting for your results each day after monitoring (small torture), waiting for retrieval, waiting for updates on your embryos each day post-retrieval (medium torture), waiting for transfer, waiting the dreaded 2 week wait for the pregnancy test results (extreme torture). Then, if you're lucky, there's all the pregnancy waiting. If you aren't lucky, you get to wait for your WTF appointment and start all the other waiting all over again.

Anyway, that's what I, the most impatient woman ever, am doing now. More waiting. I was supposed to have our counseling session yesterday-the one with just J and me-but we got postponed due to the counselor having a medical emergency. I obviously understood, but I was so disappointed. I just want to start doing something proactive. It feels like all I do is wait.

So, that's what I'll be doing for another two weeks. I'll update as things happen. 

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