Thursday, October 3, 2013

The Call from T

Well, I’m finally up to date in my story, so now I’ll be talking about the very recent past and the present.
T called me this morning with the best news. On her ultrasound, it turns out that she had 32 FOLLICLES! To a woman like me, with DOR, that is insane! At my very best ultrasound I had 11 follicles total. T had 15 on one ovary and 17 on the other. Besting my total on each of her outstanding ovaries! I could not be more thrilled. I am now sitting here staring at my phone, waiting to hear some of the results that come in today. There are a couple of very important ones that should come in next week. But her Antral Follicle Count of 32 is such great news and a real step in the right direction. I am so grateful to my sister for going to get the 5-6 blood draws and transvaginal ultrasound that were required for this testing. That is not fun, and I would know. I’ve done it way too often.
As for me, I’m doing my best to get back to exercising and taking care of myself again. I sprained my ankle this summer pretty badly and took some time off, then it was IVF time and I was told not to do anything that made “my ponytail swing” so no working out. Since my Diminished Ovarian Reserve diagnosis, I have gained ten very unwelcome pounds. I am a fairly thin person to begin with, so gaining the weight isn’t putting me at an unhealthy BMI or anything. Just rendering my entire wardrobe useless. And before you shopaholics suggest it, yes, I would love to start shopping for a new wardrobe, but after the more than $20K we’ve spent this year out of pocket for Infertility Treatment I can’t really afford it!
So, a few weeks ago I started back on the Couch to Five K (C25K) workout. If you don’t have it and you want to start running, download it to your phone immediately. It is the BEST. I am currently on week 5, which in my experience is one of the toughest weeks, but I’m loving it. Talk about a stress reliever. I highly recommend exercise if you’re going through something tough. I know everyone says it, but it’s so true. It helps so much.
Alright, I’m off to pick Little T up from “school.” I’ll update as the results come in.

1 comment:

  1. Love reading your story, T. Can't wait as the good news continues to pour in! We are with you every step of the way and love you, J and little T so very much.
