Thursday, October 3, 2013

Testing, Testing, 1,2,3

My doctor gave us the name of a very well known Infertility Clinic in Denver, where T lives, so that she could do the preliminary testing or the “Egg Donor Baseline Testing” where she lives. This testing is crucial and will tell us if T will be a good candidate for egg donation. Because we are in Massachusetts, we need to have this done right now on day 3 of her cycle so that we can get all of her results back in time for the next step, which will be her genetic testing and counseling (and will happen in MA over Thanksgiving when she’s home for the holiday).
I called the Denver clinic on a Sunday, no answer, tried to leave a message but was not successful. Called Monday morning, was told that they would call me back. Called again 1 hour later. Now, I know this seems aggressive, but the testing NEEDED to be done on Tuesday Morning, so I needed to schedule the appointment as soon as possible. I was so stressed out I could barely get anything else done all day. I was told that I needed to speak with someone who was on the other line. Fine. An hour later she called back. It was the wrong person. She told me someone ELSE would call me back. I begged her to let me hold or help me herself as it was time sensitive. Nope.
At this point, it was already halfway through Monday and I was in a full on panic. My sister needed to tell her supervisor what time she would be out the next day, and I needed to have my nurse forward the orders from my doctor. Long, very long story short, they didn’t call me back until 4:45 to tell me that they couldn’t help me. I was fuming. And hysterically crying. Little T was giving me “smooches” to make me feel better because I was such a basketcase.
That’s when I turned to Doctor Google, who pointed me in the direction of another Denver infertility clinic called Conceptions. They were so helpful and they were kind. They were able to schedule an appointment for my sister for the next day. I was so relieved. I had another good cry.
T was finally set up for her baseline testing.

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