Wednesday, February 26, 2014

I'm back!

Just realized how long it's been since I'd last posted. Not too much has been going on. Basically, I wake up every morning feeling sick, then I feel sick all day until I finally go to sleep feeling sick. I don't want to keep complaining on and on about it, because this is what we wanted so much and I'm so grateful that I'm still pregnant and therefore still sick. But I also do want to document it for my future self and for anyone else who is wondering how it feels being pregnant with twins (or at least how it felt for me).

That said, it has been tough. They put me on Diclegis, which is an antihistamine and B6. It takes the edge off the nausea, so that helps some., but it makes me incredibly tired, which is redundant because I'm in my first trimester so I'm already incredibly tired. I could sleep all day if given the chance!

I'm still on my PIO shots but looking forward to stopping them on Sunday. I get to stop the estrace then as well. Part of me worries about what my hormone levels will do once I'm off the extras, but the other part of me will be glad not to have to take them anymore. 

I get to see Hall and Oates on Tuesday! My first OBGYN appt. I'll have an ultrasound then meet with the doc afterward. 

I have managed to gain a couple of pounds. I'm basically back where I started the pregnancy (135). And just in the last few days, I've really noticed my stomach starting to grow. I'm sure it's not babies yet, but it could be my uterus expanding and pushing my organs up. Ew. Sounds gross!

Anyway, I'm hanging in and hoping to start feeling better sometime in the next month. 

I'll update as things develop. And with pics on Tuesday!

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