Monday, February 10, 2014

Ultrasound day!!! Part One

Sorry I've been MIA. I've been incredibly nauseous and exhausted every waking minute for the last two weeks or so, and I didn't want to come off as whiny. Especially after wanting so badly to get to this point. 

Well, today is the day we've been waiting for...ultrasound day! We're heading in this morning to see what exactly is going on in my uterus to make me so sick! ;) 

I am very excited and a little nervous. Part of me is hoping for twins and another part is afraid of them. I think I'll feel kind of silly if it's just one considering I've been reading books about twins for the past two weeks, but I'll get over it. Really, as cliched as it sounds, I just want to find healthy baby or babies. 

I'll check in later with the update!

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