Saturday, February 1, 2014

5 weeks 6 days

Well, yeah, I must be pregnant, because the nausea has officially hit. It's been slowly ramping up. Today I have felt pretty awful, which feels terrific, if you know what I mean! 

I still have 9 days until my ultrasound, so any sign that everything is ok makes me very happy, even if it makes me very nauseous.

I also have a cold, so that isn't helping things, but eating small amounts of food all day is helping. I also have some lemon ginger tea and actually my favorite peppermint gum seems to help the most. I think I have about 2-3 weeks before it should peak and then hopefully start to decline. 

My last pregnancy, I felt the tiniest bit of queasiness starting exactly at 6 weeks. This time, it started a day or two before 5 weeks. Maybe this means it will end sooner?! That would be excellent. I know It peaked around 8-9 weeks and started feeling better between 12-14 weeks last time. That seems like such a long way away! 

Well, anyway, all's well for now. I haven't had any new bleeding since the scare on monday night and I'm thrilled about that. I'm just happy to be feeling pregnant.  Hopefully it stays that way!


  1. I just wanted to thank you for your blog. I am in a very similar situation as you. I have one beautiful daughter conceived naturally and then received the POF diagnosis at 28. My sister has offered to donate for us, and she just had her initial screening (which she passed!) Your blog has given me a lot of information on what to expect going forward, not to mention that it is very inspirational. I really enjoyed reading it and hope that you keep posting as you continue your pregnancy journey. Congratulations and best of luck to you!

    1. Thank you, Hopeful.
      Best of luck with everything you're about to go through. I hope it works out for you and your sister. I really think it can be such a wonderful way to grow your family.

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