Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Looking good

I was reminded by someone today (Darla, thank you!) that I need to keep up with this blog. I had always intended to, but I've just been sick and tired and didn't have much else to report. I don't ever want to seem ungrateful for this pregnancy, so I hate whining. 

But today I have good news. I went to the doctor this afternoon and even though my uterus still seems to be tilted back, we were able to hear the heartbeat and it was wonderful! I'm 14.5 weeks and his/her heart rate was 145 beats per minute. I could have listened to it all day! Little T got to hear it too. She said it was "really loud!" It startled her which was very cute. She has named the baby too. Convinced that the baby is a girl and fresh off watching her favorite movie of the moment, Frozen, she has dubbed the baby "Elsa (last name) Baby Sister." I keep reminding her that it could be a brother but she is not hearing it. 

Anyway, everything else seems to be right on track. I think I'm gaining weight too fast, but the doc said she is not the least bit worried, so I feel good about that. 

I feel good about a lot of things lately, and that's new, so I'm grateful. 

Now if only this pesky nausea would disappear!

1 comment:

  1. Complain/whine all you want, you have earned the right to! :) My grandma's name is Elsa, so I especially love the recognition that name is getting now, although I have yet to see the movie. Hooray for 14 plus weeks, a healthy heartbeat AND for gaining weight! (When else do we get to do it without getting down on ourselves about it?)
