Tuesday, April 22, 2014

17 weeks 2 days

I'm finally starting to feel better! The nausea is waning and is really only sporadic. I do get indigestion and shortness of breath pretty easily, but I've started taking daily walks with J and Little T every morning. About 3.5 miles and that will hopefully help with my out of shape lungs! 

Feeling so good of course gets me slightly worried because I'm not feeling very much kicking quite yet. Maybe once a day I'll feel something. Some days I feel nothing. Those are the days I worry. I hope I start feeling kicks regularly soon, to ease my worry. 

I get to see the baby next Tuesday. A week from today. That is also the day that Little T has her first soccer practice, so a very exciting and hopefully very happy day for our family. 

That's pretty much all for now. I figured I should maybe do a shot of my bump, for posterity. So I'll attach that as well. 

Til next week!  

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