Thursday, October 2, 2014

A whole year!!

So, I got an alert yesterday to tell me that it has been one year since I started Sister Eggs. I can't even believe how much has happened in the last year.

The fact that we had only just decided on using donor eggs one year ago and now we're literally hours or days away from holding our baby is such a blessing. 

I'm so incredibly grateful. I just feel lucky to have such wonderful support and to have been as fortunate as we have. 

It's been a long, sometimes incredibly tough year, but we've made it this far! 

And now, the doctor has given us an end date. If I'm not in labor before Monday, I will be induced then. It's not what I originally wanted, but I'm over it. I just can't wait to meet our baby!

This time next week I'll be holding our newest son or daughter. 

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