Tuesday, September 9, 2014

37 weeks...getting there!

So, I'm 37 weeks 2 days pregnant and I'm feeling pretty good! I'm still walking 5 days a week and I'm hoping that will help when it comes to labor. 

I had an appointment today. Everything is pretty much the same as last week. I think I gained another pound or so, BP is excellent as usual, strep B test was negative. I asked the doctor whether she thought the baby might come late like Little T did. She said that second babies tend not to make you wait as long. So I'm trying to prepare myself for 5 more weeks of waiting but I'm hoping for less than 3 weeks! 

Things are definitely starting to get real. I've been doing some nesting. J has helped out a lot the last few weeks, cleaning out drawers and closets because I'm nesting, but also exhausted, so I need the help! Haha. I also washed all the unisex baby clothes and they're in the baby/Little T's shared room waiting for a tiny person to wear them. We brought out and cleaned the car seat, swing, bouncer, boppy, crib sheets, changing table covers, etc. so I'm feeling a lot more ready.

I've also packed most of the essentials for my "go bag" for the hospital. I have a gift from the baby to Little T. A couple of activities she can do at the hospital during visits. Oh and Little T's "Big Sister" tee shirt came in the mail today. So, all there is left to do is wait for baby! Thankfully, I have a really busy week, so that should help the time go faster. The end is always so long!!

Here's a shot of me today:

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