Sunday, September 28, 2014

Happy Due Date!

Well, I've made it to my due date with my sanity intact. Barely! I'm so ready to meet this baby, but apparently s/he is not quite ready to meet us. I have an appointment with my doctor on Wednesday. My guess is that if the baby isn't here by then, they'll suggest another induction. I'm less afraid of the induction this time because I've been there, done that. But I really do hope to go into labor before it comes to that. With the size predictions of this baby, I won't fight an induction. I'll probably go with whatever the doc suggests. Anyway, keep your fingers crossed that it won't come to that!

I'm feeling lots of contractions, some days I have more than others. And the baby feels low. I feel large and am having a hard time maneuvering easily with this big belly. But I've kept up the walking five miles, five days or more a week. I'm almost ready to throw in the towel with the walking, but I'm trying to keep it up. We'll see how I feel.

Here is my due date belly pic:

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

37 weeks...getting there!

So, I'm 37 weeks 2 days pregnant and I'm feeling pretty good! I'm still walking 5 days a week and I'm hoping that will help when it comes to labor. 

I had an appointment today. Everything is pretty much the same as last week. I think I gained another pound or so, BP is excellent as usual, strep B test was negative. I asked the doctor whether she thought the baby might come late like Little T did. She said that second babies tend not to make you wait as long. So I'm trying to prepare myself for 5 more weeks of waiting but I'm hoping for less than 3 weeks! 

Things are definitely starting to get real. I've been doing some nesting. J has helped out a lot the last few weeks, cleaning out drawers and closets because I'm nesting, but also exhausted, so I need the help! Haha. I also washed all the unisex baby clothes and they're in the baby/Little T's shared room waiting for a tiny person to wear them. We brought out and cleaned the car seat, swing, bouncer, boppy, crib sheets, changing table covers, etc. so I'm feeling a lot more ready.

I've also packed most of the essentials for my "go bag" for the hospital. I have a gift from the baby to Little T. A couple of activities she can do at the hospital during visits. Oh and Little T's "Big Sister" tee shirt came in the mail today. So, all there is left to do is wait for baby! Thankfully, I have a really busy week, so that should help the time go faster. The end is always so long!!

Here's a shot of me today:

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

36 weeks and feeling pretty

So, I can't believe it's been a month since I last updated. A lot has happened. I am 36 weeks 2 days pregnant. The baby no longer has any cords around his/her neck. It took three more ultrasounds to confirm it, but we got that good news. At my last ultrasound two weeks ago (34weeks), s/he was measuring just over 6 lbs, which is very big, especially compared to where Little T was at that point. 

This weekend was Labor Day weekend and I had a kind of hormonal weekend, to say the least. Little T got a bad case of Poison Ivy last week. She has it all over her face, torso, arms and legs and has been on steroids because of it. Sweet girl that she is, she shared with her mama too. So I have it all over my arms and knees. I didn't think I could take anything for it, so I've been itchy and miserable. On top of the poison ivy it's been humid and in the nineties all week. Oh and I was feeling really down about gaining too much weight. I had a couple of really down moments and started crying on a car ride, explaining to J that there was no way I'd be able to make it four more weeks!! With this huge baby! Basically it was a bit of a bummer long weekend. 

But then today I had a doctor's appointment where they assured me I hadn't gained too much. They told me I could take something for the itch relief (yay!) and that not only has the baby dropped but I'm 50% effaced and 1 cm dilated. I've had a lot of Braxton Hicks so I wasn't totally shocked and I also know that doesn't mean I'm going into labor tomorrow or even in the next 3 weeks, but somehow hearing that things were starting made me feel a lot better. 

So, now I'm just trying to focus on enjoying the next 4-6 weeks left of my pregnancy! Or who knows, maybe this (projected to be 9 lbs) baby will decide to come a little early! (I wouldn't be disappointed, as long as baby is fully cooked).

Meanwhile, J and I have been getting all the baby stuff ready and it's starting to come together. So, for today, things are good and I'm not having crying jags in the car. Stay tuned to see if the positivity continues or if I'm back to melting down by tomorrow!