Tuesday, November 18, 2014

6 weeks old

can't believe it's been six weeks already.  L is growing like a weed. We've had so many feeding challenges since day one. Cracked, bleeding nipples from a bad latch, which created a supply shortage in the more damaged, right side. But finally, it's starting to improve a little. I've started feeding on the right first every time and then following up with the plentiful left and just today I was able to pump the most from my right since L was born. A whopping 2.6 oz. On my left I'm consistently getting 4+ ounces. It's also a little less painful. I'm not always dreading a feeding. 

L is such a joy. He is gaining and growing appropriately. At his one month appointment he was already 11 lbs 4 oz. By now he must be over 12 lbs. He's a happy little guy. He's smiling all the time and as of the last two days he's trying to laugh too.

Sometimes he fights sleep during the day, but I think he just wants to be a part of things. He loves the Moby wrap and sometimes likes the pacifier but he isn't as obsessed with it as his sister was.

He loves the sound of his sister's voice and smiles when he hears it. She loves him too. Always asking to kiss, hug or hold him. She definitely has her moments of wanting attention, but it's never with malicious behavior, just a lot of talking, yelling, singing and asking for us to watch her dance, run, play or master some new task. She's full of energy. 

L is sleeping "through the night" which is to say he's sleeping 5 or more hour stretches most nights. We're very pleased with that. He's starting to look like he's outgrowing his bassinet, so we're thinking of moving him into his crib in Little T's room. We're going to try to push it a few more weeks, but that day is coming sooner than I thought! I hope Little T will handle the transition well. My guess is that she will. She is such a sound, heavy sleeper. 

And L is so strong! He rolled over for the first time on the couch at around 2 weeks old. We couldn't believe it and chalked it up to the couch helping him. He did it again on the bed a few times, but we still couldn't really believe it. Then at 5 weeks while he was doing tummy time on the floor, he rolled over again. And then 2 or 3 more times that day on a flat floor. That's when we couldn't deny it anymore. I'd be lying if I said I didn't flash forward to seeing him on the varsity football team with his highly advanced rolling skills. ;)  Proud mama moment. 

All in all, we're getting some sleep and feeling pretty great. I do feel guilty on some days when I have the kids on my own and have a hard time being there entirely for Little T, but overall, I think I'm balancing things pretty well. Maybe with the exception of the laundry and housekeeping, which hasn't been as on point as it usually is. But as long as we all have clean underwear, I feel like I'm winning! 

As for me, I'm physically feeling great. With the exception of sore nipples (which I'm really getting used to) and not getting to shower as much as I normally like to, I'm really doing well. I have my 6 week checkup tomorrow and plan to start getting back to my long daily walks the day after. I still have 15 lbs to lose, but I'm not in a huge rush this time. It'll come off. It just may take some time.

I hope to update again soon, but there's so little time! Til then...

1 comment:

  1. Wow, 6 weeks already! It's so bizzare that the time can pass by so differently in different times of our lives. I am sure that the last 6 weeks of your pregnancy crawled by, but of course now that L is here, time won't ever slow down, I'm sure!

    Good job on keeping the family in clean undies! ;) Everything else will fall into place soon! I have to admit, that is the part I am most dreading, figuring out a new routine, once our little ones arrive. I feel so chaotic with a house in shambles and not getting the chance to shower and be ready when I want to. I know it all will be fine, but I feel like I need to somehow over do things now, to try and be prepared for it.
