Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Another ultrasound another issue

Well, it looks like this baby wants to put me through the wringer here. ;) this morning we had a really great ultrasound with very cool 3D photos of our baby's face. Baby is measuring big. Book says s/he should be about 3.75 lbs and ours is weighing in at a whopping 4 lbs 14 ounces. That's almost 5 lbs at 32 weeks! Yikes! So I'm not going crazy. This is a big baby I'm growing here! That is the good news.

The not so good news is that the umbilical cord is wrapped around the baby's neck TWICE. This is not super common apparently so they ordered a Non-Stress Test or NST, which we passed. We have another ultrasound scheduled for next week.

I'm doing my best to not panic, as the doctor told me that would do no good and that I shouldn't really need to panic anyway. I really hope this doesn't affect our desire for a vaginal and not C section birth. I guess that remains to be seen, and of course, I'll do what's best for baby. 

My friends tell me I should have some good karma coming my way and hopefully we'll have a great sleeper with a fantastic temperament. Who knows. What I do know is this baby looks a lot like my other. Both are spitting images of their father. I'll attach a new belly photo and some cool 3D images of what I think will be my son! (Though we still don't know for sure!)