Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Ultrasound #4 - finally some good news!

Well, I'm excited to finally have some good news to share. This baby is growing like a weed! Today I should be measuring 26w1d according to the doc. Well, baby is measuring 27w4d. More than a week ahead. No wonder I'm so much bigger!

The doc also noted that my placenta had grown a lot too and now the placental lakes that she had been so concerned about are much smaller in comparison to the entire placenta. This means huge sigh of relief! They even said we could wait 6 weeks before our next ultrasound. Bittersweet, because I'll miss seeing him/her but I'm glad they're less worried and I feel like the time will fly by. We're away almost every weekend and then for a full week of vacation in late July.

They asked if we wanted to try to get a glimpse of baby's face on the 3d ultrasound. Why not? But s/he wasn't totally cooperating so the face is smushed into my uterus and looks a little weird. Anyway, I'm feeling really great about the appointment today. 

I'm excited to show Little T when she gets home. I've been working on her third birthday party favors and props so she'll probably care more about those than pics of her soon-to-be sibling, but I'm excited to show her anyway.

I'll attach today's ultrasound pics and an update of the belly at 26 weeks: