Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Ultrasound #3

know it's been awhile, but we have been busy! 

Everything seems to be progressing well with the baby. We had our ultrasound this morning. I'm feeling more and more like it will be a boy, but we haven't seen any proof of that. Just a hunch. The baby's growth is excellent. S/he is right on target (1lb3oz), but of course, as is familiar with this pregnancy, there is an issue.

It seems that my placenta is presenting as atypical. It has very large "lakes" within it. This means there is extra fluid on the surface of my placenta, which show up on ultrasound as dark spots. They told us this the last time we had an ultrasound and then said they wanted to monitor us monthly. They don't really know what it means, just that it isn't normal. She said it sometimes leads to smaller babies, in theory, but that she hasn't actually seen that happen.

At today's appointment the doctor was shocked when she saw just how big the lakes were. That made me pretty nervous, but she was great. She reassured us that the baby is growing right on track, so we would just continue the monthly monitoring to make sure the baby was growing properly, so I'm focusing on that. 

I also got some great pictures of the baby, who seems to have the same profile as his/her sister. 

Overall, we're feeling really positive that the baby is growing steadily and moving like crazy. 

Here is my belly at 22weeks:

And here are some shots of baby (the first is 3D):